这是应群友的要求写的一段代码,用于将 Delphi 源码中 resourcestring 定义的资源字符串解析出来。
uses qstring; type TPascalResourceStringParser = class private function GetItems(const AIdx: Integer): QStringW; function GetCount: Integer; function GetNames(const AIdx: Integer): QStringW; function GetValues(const AIdx: Integer): QStringW; protected FItems: TStringList; public constructor Create; overload; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Parse(S: QStringW); property Items[const AIdx: Integer]: QStringW read GetItems; property Names[const AIdx: Integer]: QStringW read GetNames; property Values[const AIdx: Integer]: QStringW read GetValues; property Count: Integer read GetCount; end; { TPascalResourceStringParser } constructor TPascalResourceStringParser.Create; begin FItems := TStringList.Create; end; destructor TPascalResourceStringParser.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(FItems); inherited; end; function TPascalResourceStringParser.GetCount: Integer; begin Result := FItems.Count; end; function TPascalResourceStringParser.GetItems(const AIdx: Integer): String; begin Result := FItems[AIdx]; end; function TPascalResourceStringParser.GetNames(const AIdx: Integer): QStringW; begin Result := FItems.Names[AIdx]; end; function TPascalResourceStringParser.GetValues(const AIdx: Integer): QStringW; function DecodeString(S: QStringW): QStringW; var ps, pd: PWideChar; V: Int64; AIntToChar: Boolean; begin if Length(S) > 0 then begin ps := PWideChar(S); SkipSpaceW(ps); SetLength(Result, Length(S)); pd := PWideChar(Result); while ps^ <> #0 do begin if ps^ = '''' then begin Inc(ps); while ps^ <> '''' do begin pd^ := ps^; Inc(pd); Inc(ps); end; Inc(ps); end else begin if ps^ = '#' then begin Inc(ps); AIntToChar := true; end else if StartWithW(ps, 'char', true) then begin Inc(ps, 4); SkipSpaceW(ps); if ps^ = '(' then begin Inc(ps); SkipSpaceW(ps); AIntToChar := true; end; end else if StartWithW(ps, 'chr', true) then begin Inc(ps, 3); SkipSpaceW(ps); if ps^ = '(' then begin Inc(ps); SkipSpaceW(ps); AIntToChar := true; end; end else AIntToChar := false; if AIntToChar then begin if ParseInt(ps, V) > 0 then begin pd^ := WideChar(V); Inc(pd); end; end else Inc(ps); end; end; SetLength(Result, pd - PWideChar(Result)); end else Result := ''; end; begin Result := DecodeString(FItems.ValueFromIndex[AIdx]); end; procedure TPascalResourceStringParser.Parse(S: QStringW); var AHelper: TQStringCatHelperW; ps, pl: PQCharW; ALine: QStringW; ALn: Integer; AStarted: Boolean; function DecodeStatement: QStringW; var AQuoter: QCharW; begin SkipSpaceW(ps); AHelper.Position := 0; while ps^ <> #0 do begin // 跳过行注释 if (ps[0] = '/') and (ps[1] = '/') then SkipLineW(ps) // 跳过块注释 else if ps[0] = '{' then begin SkipUntilW(ps, '}'); Inc(ps); end // 另一种块注释 else if (ps[0] = '(') and (ps[0] = '*') then begin repeat SkipUntilW(ps, '*'); if ps^ = '*' then Inc(ps); until (ps^ = ')') or (ps^ = #0); if ps^ = ')' then Inc(ps); end else if ps^ = '''' then begin AHelper.Cat(ps^); AQuoter := ps^; Inc(ps); while ps^ <> #0 do begin AHelper.Cat(ps^); if ps^ = '''' then begin Inc(ps); if ps^ <> '''' then Break else Inc(ps); end else Inc(ps); end; end else if ps^ = ';' then // 语句结束 begin Result := AHelper.Value; Inc(ps); SkipSpaceW(ps); Break; end else begin if Ord(ps^) in [9, 10, 13, 32] then begin if AHelper.Position > 0 then begin if AHelper.Chars[AHelper.Position - 1] <> ' ' then AHelper.Cat(' '); end; end else AHelper.Cat(ps^); Inc(ps); end; end; SkipSpaceW(ps); end; begin AHelper := TQStringCatHelperW.Create; FItems.Clear; try ps := PQCharW(S); ALn := 0; AStarted := false; while ps^ <> #0 do begin ALine := DecodeStatement; pl := PQCharW(ALine); if StartWithW(pl, 'interface ', true) then begin ALine := DeleteLeftW(ALine, 'interface ', true); AStarted := false; end else if StartWithW(pl, 'implementation ', true) then begin ALine := DeleteLeftW(ALine, 'implementation ', true); AStarted := false; end; pl := PQCharW(ALine); if StartWithW(pl, 'resourcestring ', true) then begin AStarted := true; ALine := DeleteLeftW(ALine, 'resourcestring ', true); end else if AStarted then AStarted := not(StartWithW(pl, 'var ', true) or StartWithW(pl, 'function ', true) or StartWithW(pl, 'type ', true) or StartWithW(pl, 'const ', true) or StartWithW(pl, 'uses ', true));; if AStarted then begin FItems.Add(ALine); // DebugOut('Line %d:%s', [ALn, ALine]); Inc(ALn); end; end; finally FreeAndNil(AHelper); FItems.EndUpdate; end; end;